Friday, September 24, 2010


以前的中秋都是去表演, 然后跟老师和跳舞朋友一起度过..
而且..陈肥仁还有份帮忙煮..>.< 突然觉得我身为一个女生真的很老呗..

❤ 2010中秋节快乐~

Saturday, September 11, 2010



Take 1~ 无辜脸

Take 2~ 样衰脸

Take 3~ 关公脸

Buahahahahahaahahaha..! so so dei..

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Spot my Jelly 1 leng zai standing thr...seee..!

Cheh..~ my jelly posing thr... hahahahahah!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010




Tuesday, August 10, 2010


1. 朦胧醒来回你信息不敷衍 (这个嘛, 陈先生不可能会做到的事情, 他一睡就是猪了)

2. 半夜里接你的电话, 虽然不是重要的事 (先看打不打得通再说啦.. 他家出了名烂信号)

3. 告诉你一到家就发信息给他 (嗯, 这个他总算过关❤)

4. 你半夜睡不着觉发信息给他, 他会陪你聊天 (很难咯, 天会塌下来啊如果他做得到)

5. 雨天, 同撑一把伞, 他衣服的一半是湿的 (陈先生说他不用雨伞酱娘们儿, 所以每次都是我自己撑伞 -.- )

6. 不论走到哪里, 都一直拉着你的手 (是我拉他吧, 烧啊~)

7. 愿意吃你吃不下的东西 (哈哈..他是我的垃圾桶~❤)

8. 从来不迟到, 你迟到他不会生气 (他会!! 妈姑~)

9. 不论去哪里, 他都会来接你, 无怨无悔 (他有!! 每次上下来回无怨无悔~❤)

10. 不乱花钱, 但肯为你花钱 (呵呵, 可怜的他❤)

11. 拥抱很久很紧, 因为害怕失去你 (还抱到我快断气~❤)

12. 记得你说过的所有的大事小事 (就连6年前我说过的话也记得, 吓到我)

13. 轻轻拧开你拧不开的汽水瓶 (恐怖!! 做么一直有中到的 -.- )

14. 常常发信息告诉你, 突然很想你 (有!! 羞* ❤)

15. 常常给你留言 (额..fb drop comment 有咯)

16. 不舒服时, 他会很担心很着急 (他的方式很不同, 他用骂的..每次骂我不喝水, 后面还加 '活该' ishh)

17. 吵架时不会一走了之 (他的大男人气概太重了, 他会!)

18. 他错了会认错, 你错了不会怪你 (屁股啦, 我们两个都是死不认错的人)

19. 吵架后, 会无条件地哄你, 放下面子 (他会, 不过要等很久他才甘愿哄咯)

20. 从不忍心责备你, 无条件包容你 (在他身上找不到这点 -.-)

21. 会一直保护你, 害怕你受一点点委屈 (这点就有~❤)

22. 你说笑话他会笑, 会觉得你很可爱 (他是我的幽默大师, 我笑会比较多捏 >.< 他会笑我的笑话也是用敷衍的笑声啦 kns!)

23. 比你高给你安全感 (他永远都是别人眼中的长颈鹿, 不只是我)

24. 会一个人安静地思考, 但绝不冷漠 (当他在思考的时候, 完全听不进东西的)

25. 许多方面都很厉害, 让你崇拜 (很可惜, 没有耶, 唯一厉害就是口才好罢了 >.< )

26. 会一直夸你, 给你鼓励 (想得美!)

27. 不对你隐瞒什么 (他敢??! 简直逃不出我的手指山)

28. 百分百信任你 (我的脸有可靠这两个字 o.O )

29. 不花言巧语 (我很希望他会酱做咯 zzzz )

30. 不会因为玩游戏而忽略你 (他的最爱!!! 这点是他每天都在做的事情 -.- )

31. 不吸烟少喝酒 (偶弥陀佛~ ❤)

32. 有活动安排事先和你打招呼 (不错..这点他有~)

33. 和朋友出去时, 要想着你 (他的朋友我都认识, 所以他都会带我一起, hmmm~ )

34. 重大的事情和你商量 (目前没有很重大事件发生~)

35. 和大人在一起像大人, 和孩子在一起像孩子 (只能说, 在大人面前, 他是在耍酷, 在小孩面前, 就是他的本性啦, 幼稚~)

36. 喜欢你, 从不犹豫, 不拿你和别的女孩子比较 (他想找死是不?!)

37. 从未想过离开你的世界 (啊哈~❤)

38. 你买给他的东西他都喜欢 (因为越来越肥, 我买给他的衣服他都穿不下..哪来的喜欢啊~ aduh duh)

39. 对女孩子有风度, 也有距离 (kacau女生就有啦~ 咸猪一个!)

40. 认识你的一些好朋友, 拜托他们照顾你 (他只顾着ojipala, 那会酱好心叫人照顾我)

41. 了解你的烦恼与困扰, 不厌其烦地倾听 (有啦..一边听一边打game -.- )

成绩: 23/41 算你好彩~ -.-

Saturday, July 24, 2010

所谓的K歌之亡 -.-


这傻佬不会看华语..nge nge用背的..完全没有看歌词..唱华语歌还不用紧..还ge kiang选广东歌来唱..真想拿鸡蛋丢他~~

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


陈威仁我观察你很久了..哇嚓哇嚓! 你又被我偷拍了..

Saturday, June 26, 2010


我玩sdo这么久突然觉得他算是个beginner的一点点pro啦..一点啦不要讲没有..更何况这位傻子是玩river mode的..我更觉得他有两点pro咯..


Sunday, June 20, 2010




赌神: brother sister brother sister~ 烟sii和妈妈我❤你们..快来啊~

第一斗的牌被我拍到啦..有2个烟和4个妈妈哦.. kesi~

玩了4个钟陈威仁幸好没有输, 只赢一点..然后跟我说‘好彩把买给我吃的keropok的钱赢回来了’..妈姑..什么东西啊..

Friday, June 11, 2010


模仿蜡小新奸笑.. 昨晚的我才知道原来我家陈先生有这么肥哦..请看楼下!

  • 少过18.5就是under weight
  • 18.5-24.9是normal weight
  • 25-29.9就是overweight

陈先生的26.3..哈哈..很明显的overweight了..我却......................underweight -.- 接下去的字就不懂是什么东西了...真没想到陈威仁的体重快接近我的双倍捏...
看了陈威仁说: 3年前人人都说我帅,2年前人人都说我fit,1年前人人都说我有福,今年人人都说'ah jim你肥了咧'..啊尖叫~~~~~~~~~~
ahem, 我只能说..岁月不饶人啊..

帮你量体重的人还说 '额..你overweight咯' ..哈哈哈..看到你的无话可说的表情害到我笑到差一点尿裙子...

啊吃pizza啦..吃多点!! 搞到自己发福去~

衣服外面看起来很fit but 衣服里面全部都是jelly.. to nyaw to nyaw~
Mr Jelly~❤

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Shiseido Zen prices

Buy 30ml equals to ikat perut for 3 months..
if buy 100 ml...aiyoyo.. ikat for 7 months lahh.. but it is worthy compare to 30ml..
Arh..1ml = RM5.5 , so suppose 100ml = RM550 lo?? if I buy 100ml directly can save RM185 and I still can buy one 30ml somemore..ahahah~~

Monday, April 26, 2010

Escapade Sushi @ KB Brunei~

Yesterday I went to KB with Bee's family, for the sake of fulfilling our crave for Escapade Sushi. Hah~ Becoz of Sushi, I din go work.. *Grinning*
Dis is mine..the name got wat bento bento de..

Dis is bee bee mommy geh.. I like the yolk so much..cute~

Dis 1 geng..Sashimi~~ Feel like eating dis now.. so regret i din eat cukup cukup coz damn full tat time..

Right side is bee's 2.5 over 3 geh food.. phew..order too many foods ed..almost tak larat to walk.. Actually I wanna capture more but so embarassing..*eat jiu eat take wat pic o, like org kampung never eat b4..* eh..really never eat so many japanese food ah..with bee's family somemore..wat a memorable day for me..but at last I still cant capture bee's eating face..another word..sohai face~
Happy time passes so quickly..*sigh* have to endure the stress of dis week again..
Give me strength bee.........x.x

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ahhh....Shiseido Zen Gold!!!

-.- I wanted to buy dis parfume so badly... I had 5ml sample with me...and now lefted 0.5 ml?? Err..thk so..maybe less than tat...
ohh..I love dis smell so much..but it costs so expensive...RM300+ and 100ml *nia* somemore...walao 2 and a half months salary arr~~ Have to ikat perut for half years to buy it ar?? Hmmmm....I'm craving so badly la...Zen Zen!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ji Mui 4Ever!!!

Sigh* We going to say bye bye to each other on next week Friday.. The next 'hi' perhaps would happen on next year.. Kimmy..My best fren ever.. She's going to KL next week for studying.. Hope she will be alright and all settled when she starts her new life over thr.. Honestly as a fren, I'm quite worried bout her as she's quite dummy sometimes.. laughing* but hopefully, she told me that she will be living with her cousin...hopefully she has some1 who can take care of her at least..

Guess I'll be so missing her when her so po face passing by on my mind..xD for tat, yesterday we went to take big head pic..Best thing ever to memorable..

To kimmy: Ben lai is 3 Ji mui u go KL left 2 ji mui lw lo......tat sayap become strong lw can fly lw lo.. >.<
Anyway..Take care my fren!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My 2010 Valentines

Early valentines..12th Feb 2010.. Jet'aime bee~
*I Love You The Way You Are*

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Song of Us..

Sharing in the love shack,

Summer time overnight,

Every time I think my dreams come true,

Here we all time,

Nearly everything my,

Get in line with the things for you,

What time will you be here now?

It's a quarter past seven now..a ha..

And I'm waiting for you...

What you gonna do?

When it hits you,

You and Me,

I hold back my shine,

When I realize,

I'm getting my tanning your Sunray,

And we see,

Through the mirror,

That you got me,

Thinking clearer,

And I'm gonna be under your skies I'll stay........

Love U Bee Bee..MuacksSs!

Song: Tanning in the Sunray