我的小娃儿公主..她的名字是小娃儿..很可爱吧..她还会长大的哦..可以进化两次呢.. 在中国版的朋友还蛮少的..只有认识一位马来西亚玩家罢了..希望玩马来西亚版的朋友可以陪我玩中国版的..目前拉了两个人..呵呵.. 过了今天又是新的weekend了..这个weekend我要努力刷天舞模式了..>.< 可是我下个拜一还有功课要交..ishhh..功课都做不完滴~~ Anyway, cheer up for this week lor..呵呵..突然来个英文..
Nowadays, wherever we go or whatever we do, we will always have people who
are willing to come on board to embark on the same journey. But, we may all
Stickgirl Have Moved!!
Dear Readers,
Thank you for your support all these years.
Stickgirl decided to take her website a liitle bit more seriously and have
since moved to
Food Hunting
Life has been treating me real good these days. And since dear's second
sister came back from Vietnam to visit her son, whom is also the cutest
baby in my ...